Digidestined-Maker 1.0

Created by Becca

Okay, for whatever reason, you need a Digidestined. I don't know why. Maybe you're writing a fanfic set in the future, or in the past (Oooh... pre-Highton View Terrence). Maybe you're role-playing and your GM won't let you have a canon charcter. Maybe you're just bored. If so, read on...

Step 1: What's in a Name...and Other Important Matters

Now you might be thinking, 'Come on, Becca, get to the good stuff! I want to know about Digimon and Crests and stuff, not boring stuff like this!'. Well, then shut up and listen: Nearly every thing about your Digidestined's 'Digimon, Crest and stuff' follows from his/her personality. Once you get a personality, the rest follows naturally. So create a personality for your character. Give him/her some strengths and (because there is no such thing as a perfect human being, contrary to the Digimon Emperor's belief) some weaknesses. What's his/her favorite subject in school? What's his/her family like? This is what makes a great character, not being able to beat up evil Digimon with one wing tied behind your back.

While you're doing this, you're probably also developing some other ideas about your Digidestined. You probably have an age (8-12 seems to be the normal age for discovering one is a Digidestined, but an older chracter is possible) and gender in mind. Drawing a picture might also help - even if you can't draw well, it might help you figure out such details as clothing, eye color, and hair style and color. Oh, while we're on the subject of hair color - remember Digimon plays a bit fast and loose with the rules of genetics regarding hair color. Both Joe and Ken have blue hair, and Yolei has purple hair (Mimi has pink hair for part of Season 2, but I'm assuming that's dye).

Remember, though. All Digidestined kids have one thing in common: at some point in their lives, they saw a Digimon in the 'real world'. The standard explanations are: saw Digimon in the real world about the same time the Digidestined in Japan were fighting Myotismon, or watched the battle with Diaboromon over the Internet. Feel free to be creative, though.

Finally, your character needs a name and a home. Try to make them match up (I still wonder why the heck we got Japanese Digidestined named Davis Motomiya and Cody Hida. Horribly anachronistic.).

Step 2: "We're Digimon...Digital Monsters!"

Okay, now we get to the good stuff! As a Digidestined, your character has a Digimon. Its personality usually counterbalances some of the character's flaws (Well, either that or encourages them. Look at Davis and Veemon). It's type might even indicate your Digidestined's personality. A more feminine female character (like Mimi) might have a plant Digimon, while a more reckless character might have a reptile Digimon. And both 'genius' Digidestined (Izzy and Ken) have insect Digimon. Be sure to consider this.

You basically have two options when creating your character's Digimon:

  1. You can use one of the Rookie and Champion sets from the show. Several Digidestined have the same Digimon, so this wouldn't be unusual.
  2. If that doesn't appeal to you, you can try to create your own Digimon.
If you want to just use one of the show's Digimon, scroll down to Step 3. Otherwise, read on.

The three most important (and most seen) forms for a Digimon are In-Training, Rookie, and Champion. You rarely, if ever, see a Digimon's Baby form, unless it was newly-hatched. See Step 3 for why an Ultimate or Mega form might not be necessary.

For the In-Training form, remember, less is more. Go for the roundish head-with-legs look. Most In-Training Digimon are small things. Remember, make it cute.

For the Rookie, the Digimon is clearly something (a reptile, a mammal, a bird, a bug). It still usually is pretty cute, and still is usually pretty small (two feet in height or less).

For the Champion, the Digimon gains a pretty big burst in size (it becomes bigger than its human partner, for starters.), and is usually not that cute anymore.

If you need a Baby form, just remember - you can't go wrong with the head with pacifier, eyes and not much else approach. Take your In-Training form and cut down the distinguishing features even more.

Finally, you need to name your Digimon. In general, the In-Training and Baby forms seem to use 'Japanese word'+mon (Tanemon for example, 'tane' means seed, or Chibomon), but anything short will do (Leafmon). Rookie and Champion forms often are named for things they resemble, either real animals or mythological/legendary creatures. Throw in another language, if you speak one (Gatomon ('gato' is Spanish for cat) and Myotismon ('myotis' is Latin for bat) are prime examples). Oh, and be careful not to duplicate a Digimon's name.

Step 3: "Crests? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Crests!" and Other Accessories

Okay, as a Digidestined, you are guarenteed a Digivice and Digimon. But you want more toys. Here's a list of other Digimon-related items and what they do.

Okay, now your thinking, 'I want all of these!'. Hold on. These items aren't given out lightly. In order for the Digidestined to get an item like one on the list, there had to be a pressimg reason for them to have it. Does your Digidestined really need to be able to have an Ultimate or Armor Digimon? Ask yourself that.

If you answer yes, then you should create a name and a symbol for the Crest or Digi-Egg you want. The name usually reflects an attribute of the Digidestined's personality (I warned you about the personality thing), and the symbol is usually a simple thing to indicate your Crest. I'll try to get a picture up of the Cret Symbols in use.

Of course, this also means you have to create an Ultimate or Armor Digimon to go with it. Study examples from the shuw to give you ideas.

Step 4: "Now What?"

You're done! Write that fanfic or enter your character in a role-playing game or whatever you were going to do with him/her. Or sent him/her to me and I'll post him/her on my site for others to admire. Just, have fun!
